大義中醫 中道醫學教育 陳正容中醫師
大義中醫診所 Da Yi Classic Acupuncture & Herbs Prof. Corp.
(626)964-6588 dayiccm@gmail.com
2707 E. Valley Blvd., Ste 101, West Covina, Calif.ornia 91792

大義醫療成立源起 Origin of Da Yi Medical Group establishment:
對外服務的診所設立於 2707 Valley Blvd STE 101,West Covina, CA 91792,
Da Yi Medical Group was established on May 1st, 2013
located at 2707 Valley Blvd Suite 101, West Covina, CA 91792.
Our goal is to create a new lifestyle for modern humans, by building a harmonious and peaceful world through the wisdom of our ancestors. Using the natural law of the universe and thousands of years of clinical practices, we learn the natural ways of healing by practicing the Four principles of diagnosis: Observation, Listening and Smelling, Inquiry, and Palpation. Through these four types of diagnosis, we can obtain the root cause of the illnesses and apply different modalities such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, tui-na, and functional exercises. We also help patients establish the correct outlook on life, and encourage them to join or volunteer for charitable activities to help eliminate not only their physical pain but also elevate their mind, body, and soul.
In the past decade of service, Da Yi Medical Group has served more than tens of thousands of patients, including many critically ill patients, and has also helped many patients recover to health.
服務項目 Services
• 肝膽系病證:胸脅悶痛、眩暈、黃疸、頭痛、膽囊與膽道結石、各類型及慢性肝炎、肝硬化以及消化道與肝膽胰等器官之病變、視力退化等。
• 心系病證:心血管阻塞、冠狀動脈阻塞、肺動脈阻塞、頸動脈阻塞、心腦血管含氧量不足,頭暈,短氣、新冠肺炎或傳染病後之血氧含量不足、心肺無力後遺症、二尖瓣、三尖瓣閉鎖不全、心痛徹背、背痛徹心、胸悶、胸痛、短氣、心悸、心律不齊、心痛、失眠、癲癇、精神失常、甲狀腺分泌異常、關節炎、類風濕性關節炎等。
• 脾胃系病證:胃腸機能障礙、腸胃炎、消化性潰瘍、胰臟炎、胃痛、胃脹、胃酸、腹痛、腹瀉、便秘等。
• 肺系病證:感冒、咳嗽、過敏性鼻炎、皮膚病、氣喘、失音、肺炎、肺氣腫等。
• 腎系病證:血尿、小便痛濁、尿失禁、排尿困難、腎結石、腰酸、腰痛、耳鳴、耳聾、陽痿、精子活動度不足、攝護腺肥大、腎功能下降等。
• 婦科病證:月經失調、經痛、子宮肌瘤、子宮腺肌症、不孕、多囊性卵巢症候群、更年期綜合症等。
• 氣血津液病證:末梢循環不良、多汗、水腫、糖尿病、疲勞綜合症等。
• 情緒及憂鬱疾病。
• 中道醫學惠民教育,各式公益講座,大義身心靈提昇療養計劃。
Clinical Services are as follows:
Liver and Gallbladder related symptoms:
Pain and suffocation around the chest area, vertigo, dizziness, jaundice, headache, gallbladder stone, all types of liver inflammation, fatty liver, cirrhosis, digestion problems, and decreased eye functions.
Heart-related symptoms:
Any types of blocked blood vessels in the heart, lung, coronary heart disease, lack of oxygen in the heart, brain, and lung due to COVID-19, mitral and tricuspid atresia, palpitation, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, insomnia, epilepsy, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Spleen and Stomach-related symptoms:
Gastrointestinal dysfunction, gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, stomach pain, bloating, GERD, diarrhea, constipation, etc.
Lung related symptoms:
cold, flu, cough, allergic rhinitis, skin disease, asthma, aphonia, pneumonia, emphysema, etc.
Kidney-related symptoms: hematuria, painful urination, urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, kidney stones, lower back pain, tinnitus, impotence, insufficient sperm motility, prostate hypertrophy, decreased kidney functions, etc.
Gynecological symptoms:
irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopausal syndrome, etc.
Qi, blood, and fluid disorders:
Poor peripheral circulation, excess sweating, edema, diabetes, fatigue syndrome, etc.
Emotional dysfunction:
Depression, anxiety, etc.
Giving back to the community:
Free educational seminars that are beneficial to the people, discounted services to the less fortunate, and the Great Humanity (Da Yi ) Program for the Elevation and Healing of Body, Mind, and Soul.
大義醫療未來愿景 Vision & Goal
Da Yi Medical Group’s vision and future goals for healing and elevating the mind, body, and soul:
1. Da Yi United Clinics
2. Da Yi Medical University
3. Da Yi Hospital
4. Da Yi Medical Research Center
5. Great Humanity (Da Yi ) Program for the Elevation and Healing of Body, Mind and Soul.
6. Da Yi Great Harmony Village and Nursing Center for spiritual healing
7. Da Yi International Free Clinic Group
大義中醫Logo 釋義

此圖有三層意義:This image has three layers of meaning
(1)The Phoenix depicted in the image:
The great moments, when timing and opportunity align,
Confucius' time as a sage was marked by an understanding of the will of heaven, the embodiment of divine intentions, the writing of the "Spring and Autumn Annals" with ten wings to rectify the times, resonating with the essence of jade and golden voices to achieve greatness.
At this time, all conditions and timing were ripe, tracing back to the origin, resulting in a shared understanding between heaven and humanity,
Like the Phoenix undergoing rebirth, bathing in fire for rejuvenation, its feathers becoming more abundant, its sound clearer, its spirit more profound,
Duty-bound, without hesitation, blessing all living beings, embracing righteousness as life, aiding the suffering, and revitalizing for a new beginning.
(2) The red-hot sun and golden flames depicted in the image:
When a person's heartfelt thoughts stir, they divide into Yin and Yang:
Kind and generous heartfelt thoughts are Yang, narrow heartfelt thoughts are Yin;
Honest and upright heartfelt thoughts are Yang, selfish and greedy heartfelt thoughts are Yin;
Calm and open heartfelt thoughts are Yang, deep and treacherous heartfelt thoughts are Yin.
A noble-hearted person naturally leans towards Yang, aspiring to cultivate the supreme spirit of pure Yang within oneself.
Once Yang heartfelt thoughts arise, Yin naturally dissipates; it's like a red-hot stove meeting piled snow, the ice naturally melts away.
The magnanimous righteous spirit is like the blazing flames in a red-hot stove, so even if desires of malevolence arise, they will dissipate like frost on a red-hot stove, vanishing into nothingness.
By fanning the flames in the red-hot stove, the fire burns brighter, melting away all the frost; with sincere dedication, igniting the sacred fire, there are no remnants of resentment.
Sincere trust, for the sake of all.
(3) The circle represents heaven, the flames represent fire in the image, symbolizing the hexagram of Harmony Between Heaven (represents the ruler) and Fire(represents the subjects).
The union of Heaven and Fire, a model of righteousness for the world, harmonizing yin and yang, returning to the right path, bringing order out of chaos.
The upper hexagram of Qian represents firmness and vigor, with a resolute drive to act; the lower hexagram of Li symbolizes beauty and brightness, steadfast in its principles and receiving ample support, remaining clear-sighted and resolute without confusion or disgrace, thus finding abundant assistance along the way.
In unity within and without, with a shared vision from top to bottom, working together as a team to overcome challenges, valuing closeness and respecting expertise;
Acting with righteousness and not compromising with the times; being guided by emotions without deviating from one's position or role;
Incorporate timely actions, ensure proper positions for stability, foster trust with transparency, collaborate effectively, and strive for unity in company growth.
Inspire leadership by serving people, contributing to societal well-being through human efforts, building trust among individuals, and contributing to global betterment. This embodies the essence and ultimate goal of the hexagram of Harmony Between Heaven (represents the ruler) and Fire(represents the subjects), which is also known as Great Unity.
Five yang embracing yin, the “Tianhuo Tongren” hexagram symbolizes the integration of yang with yin, where inferior individuals assimilate into noble persons, depicting the image of a noble person saving and assisting in challenging times.
One should understand that all tangible things derive from intangible origins; once their manifestation is evident, How could one not know how they formed in the earliest times?
In the state of willingness, one must undergo sincere transformation.
The physical body has no freedom to speak of, while the spirit has freedom.
Indulgence of the physical body is all bondage; transcendence of the spirit is inherently natural.
Do not seek freedom externally; freedom is built upon a spirit filled with universal love.
By limiting the freedom of the physical body, one gains freedom of the spiritual essence of all beings.
Otherwise, suffering knows no end, and calamity has no limit.
Only when the mind unites with the divine spirit can life thrive through enlightened understanding;
Thus, there is a faint glimmer of hope, foreseeing a bright future.
Only those with a renewed mind and spirit can enter a new heaven and earth.
大乘同信,與 上帝同心同見同行;
(Da Yi Classic Acupuncture and Herbs Professional Corporation)
Observing this image,
With heaven and earth united, the circular red symbolizes the sun, the white crescent arc symbolizes the moon,
At the bottom left corner of the image, the golden cinnabar fills the sky, representing the celestial disc of stars, passing down the torch;
The sun and moon combine their brightness, stars shine across vast distances, bearing the burden of love, sustaining eternal light!
Now is the time, where white represents gold and righteousness,
The Phoenix spreads its wings, soaring towards the sun, undergoing purification, rebirth, and resurrection, mutual refinement of gold and fire, to reach the inherent enlightenment of its nature,
On the right side of the bottom left corner of the image, the ark sets sail, the helmsman takes position,
The five sails symbolize the unity of the world, sharing the same origin, heart, path, and fusion for new life,
The three intense flames at the bottom left represent three periods, the golden cinnabar fills the sky, the celestial disc of stars,
United efforts of righteous individuals, duty-bound and unwavering, lead to great unity!
No obstacles deter the transformation of souls; sincere dedication invokes divine assistance, thus the union of heaven and humanity!
Embracing righteousness as life, this is the righteousness of humanity!
The entire image resembles folded hands in prayer, aspiring to be in harmony with heaven, universal peace,
Praying for the fusion of heart and mind with the cosmos, exchanging and resonating with spiritual and cosmic consciousness,
Allowing for a transformation of cosmic consciousness, changing not just the surroundings, but the entire environment and situation.
Embracing the Mahayana with unified faith, walking in harmony with God's heart, vision, and action;
As dawn illuminates, the bell rings again, uniting past and present, where humanity meets the divine horizon!
The entire picture resembles the English letter 'C,' where 'C' signifies 'Classic,' the essence of tradition. What is Classic?
Classic is the eternal truth that transcends ages, where heaven and humanity unite, and the sacred pulse of wisdom endures.
Thus, this clinic is named: Da Yi Classic Acupuncture and Herbs Professional Corporation.
Facing a myriad of unique clinical cases and complex karmic conditions, regulating the heartfelt thoughts at one point is the key to handling all matters. It's all about sincerity.
Sincerity can induce resonance, while the lack of sincerity results in the inability to resonate.
Seeking the support of the clients requires serving their interests; failure to do so results in the inability to gain their trust.
Like the great Master physician - Healing the Souls of All Beings.
If the ailment lies in the skin's pores, it is treated with topical medicine;
If it lies in the flesh, it is treated with acupuncture;
If it lies in the organs, it is treated with herbal medicine.
Observing, listening, questioning, palpating, and diagnosing are the skills of a physician.
If the ailment lies in habits, it is guided with redirection;
If the illness is due to past karma, it is treated with virtuous deeds.
If it lies in the mindset, it is transformed with truth. These are the virtues of a great Master physician.
The supreme physician heals the nation; regular physicians heal the body; only the great Master physician can treat karma!
Administering the appropriate treatment without hesitation ensures lasting success, benefiting future generations.
Medicine encompasses both principles and techniques, requiring devout attention to nature, achieving great healing effects to eliminate ailments.
A physician embodies propriety and courage, advancing with determination, adhering to principles to serve the people and align with the will of heaven.
A physician’s responsibilities and actions involve aiding the common people, upholding morality to regulate both body and mind.
Ensure that heartfelt thoughts and will are aligned, heartfelt thoughts are full, and the will is persistent and firm, and then take action.
Having both expertise and ethics, integrating virtue and the way, one can practice medicine while adhering to medical ethics,
otherwise, speaking of great righteousness and acting on profound principles is insufficient.
The method of salvation lies in harmonizing with the heavens and actively acting upon it.
The ultimate principles of the Dao are beyond words and concepts; in clinical diagnosis and treatment, they manifest in myriad transformations yet remain rooted in a single principle.
Treatment is applied according to circumstances, guided by a unified heart. Through ancient texts and profound insights, knowledge is transmitted heart-to-heart.
The roots of Chinese medicine and Daoism share common principles and methods, originating from Qi Bo and the Yellow Emperor. The profound theories of acupuncture and moxibustion require in-depth study and understanding of their subtle and mystical aspects.
Know and Act:
Connecting life with cosmic destiny – establishing moral standards for the world.
Connecting life with physical well-being – exploring and providing people with a right direction in life and the meaning of life.
Connecting life with intellectual legacy – inheriting and promoting the wisdom and culture of ancient sages.
Connecting life with life's purpose – laying the foundation for lasting peace for future generations.
We aspire to these ideals.